Coal Mining UK Coal Mining

Coal Mining

Coal Mining
Includes mine lights and general items, also see under region for specific books on mines and areas


[USED] Mining Machinery: An Elementary Treatise on the Generation, Transmission, and Utilization of Power for Candidates for the Undermanager's Certificate
Thomas Bryson, Hb, 378pp, 204 figures, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd 1929 first edition
[USED] The History and Development of Colliery Ventilation
Alan Hill, SB 212pp, Publisher PDHMS 2000
[USED] Fairley on coal-Mining - The Colliery Manager's Calculator: Containing Practical Rules and Tables for the solution of various questions connected with mining, written for the use of Mine Agents.
W Fairley, Hb, 12cm x 18cm, 137pp, 1872 Fourth Edition, Hutchings sold also as Colliery Gaurdian Office
[USED] Modern Practice in mining - 2 volume set of 4 parts
Redmayne, RAS, Longmans Green & Co, 1922, HB, 475pp 2 x 2 volume set
[USED] Stories of the Coal Mine
Frank Mundell, HB, 160pp, The Sunday School Union (1895)
[USED] Modern Mining Practice, a practical work of reference on Mining Engineering - Set of 5 volumes
Bailes, George Mitcheson, Published by J.H. Bennett and Company , no date given, First Edition
[USED] Practical Coal-Mining - 1910 (3 Volume set)
W.S. Boulton, HB, 3 volumes ,The Gresham Publishing Company (1910)
[USED] The Coal-Fields of Great Britain: Their History Structure and Resources with Descriptions of the Coal Fields of Our Indian and Colonial Empire and Other Parts of the World
Edward Hull, Hb, 556, Fourth Edition 1881, published by Edward Stanton.
[USED] Collieries and Colliers - A Handbook Of The Law And Leading Cases Relating Thereto
John Coke Fowler, HB, 432pp, Longmans, Green and Co. (1872)
[USED] Dover Coal Boring - Observations on the correlation of the Franco Belgian, Dover and Somerset Coalfields, discovery of Coal at Dover, Coal Boring at Shakespeare Cliff
Francis Brady, wityh reports from Victor Watteyne, James Murtree, M R Zeiller, HB, 41pp, Several Maps and sections, Published 1892 (good condition this is an original not a reprint)
[USED] Miscellaneous accidents in mines: With special reference to the North Staffordshire Coalfield; Their causes, and the means of diminishing their frequency
Arthur Robert Sawyer,Hb, 278pp + Appendix with various coloured pullouts and information table John Heywood 1889
[USED] Coal Mining Described and Illustrated
Thomas H Walton, Henry Carey Bair & Co. 1885 Hard Cover in Decorative Boards jacket 4to-over 9 3/4 "-12" tall. 175pp, 24 illustrated pages, 1884, spine is split