Rare and Sought After

Rare and Sought After

Rare and Sought After
The volumes listed under this category are very rare collectors items


[USED] A Treatise On The Derbyshire Mining Customs And Mineral Courts Act 1852
Thomas Tapping, HB, 165pp, 1854 first edition
[USED] A Treatise On The Derbyshire Mining Customs And Mineral Courts Act 1852 (Rebound Copy)
Thomas Tapping, HB, 165pp, 1854 first edition
[USED] A Treatise on the Winning and Working of Collieries; Including Numerous Statistics Regarding Ventilation and the Prevention of Accident in Mines and Illustrated with Explanatory Engravings and Colliery Plans
Mathias Dunn, HB,391pp. Folding frontis., 9 plates, 3 plans including 1 folding, 2nd Edition Published 1852 by the Author and Messrs Dodsworth
[USED] Accidents In Mines In The North Staffordshire Coalfield Arising From Falls Of Roof And Sides The Causes And The Means Of Diminishing Their Frequency (Rebound)
Arthur Robert Sawyer, HB (Rebound) Simpkin and Marshall and Co 1886
[USED] Collieries and Colliers - A Handbook Of The Law And Leading Cases Relating Thereto
John Coke Fowler, HB, 432pp, Longmans, Green and Co. (1872)
[USED] Familiar lessons on mineralogy and geology to which is added a practical description of the use of the lapidary's apparatus. Explaining the easiest methods of Discriminating Minerals and the Earthy Substances, Generally called Rocks etc plu
J. Mawe, HB, 140pp, Second Edition 1820 Longman , Rees, Orme and Brown , Paternoster Row
[USED] General View of the Agriculture and Minerals of Derbyshire With Observations On the Means of Their Improvement Drawn Up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement Volume III
John Farey, hb, 522pp - rebound, R McMillan 1817 Drawn up for the consideration of The Board of Agriculture Volume 111
[USED] History of Wetton, Thor's Cave, And Ecton Mines In The Neighbourhood Of Dovedale, Manifold Valley, And Beresford Dale
James Roberts, HB, 184pp, printed by Joseph Osbourne (1900).
[USED] Hydraulic mining : Classification test and valuation of alluvials-water supply-methods of working alluvials &c. With supplements on roads for mining purposes and motor traction and appendix / by C. C. Longridge. 1910
C.C. Longridge, HB, 351pp, The Mining Journal (1910)
[USED] Les Pierres, Esquisses Minéralogiques, Ourage Illustre De 91 Gravures Sur Bois
Par L Simonin, Hardback, 516pp Green binding of the time, - all gilt edges - 6 inset plates in chromo-lithography under curve and 15 cards drawn in colour - more than 90 woodcuts in the text or full page - low foxing to last beyond six pages Table of Contents - very nice copy,printed 1869
[USED] Miscellaneous accidents in mines: With special reference to the North Staffordshire Coalfield; Their causes, and the means of diminishing their frequency
Arthur Robert Sawyer,Hb, 278pp + Appendix with various coloured pullouts and information table John Heywood 1889
[USED] The Minerology of Derbshire with a Description of the Most Interesting Mines in the North of England, in Scotland, and in Wales; and an Analysis of Mr William's work intitled "The Mineral Kingdom"; (and) a Glossary of the Terms, etc
(Rebound) John Mawe, HB, 211pp, Publisher: London: William Phillips 1802