Coal Mining UK Coal Mining - Women and Children Workers The Pit Brow Women of The Wigan Coalfield

The Pit Brow Women of The Wigan Coalfield

The Pit Brow Women of The Wigan Coalfield
SKU 18473
Weight 0.31 kg


Alan Davies, Sb, 128pp

This illustrated book tells the story of the female colliery surface workers (pit brow women). The numbers of women working in mines grew rapidly until the Childrens Employment Commission of 1842 outlawed working below ground as result many turned to working on surface where they worked on surface grading coal on conveyors and acting as general labourers. The Wigan Coalfield employed more women than any other.

There was enourmous interest in these women, fostereed by illustrated newspapers from 1840's onwards. Cambridge Academic A J Mumby turned his attention to the women and his detailed diaries form an important part of this study.
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