Geology / Minerals / Metallurgy

Geology / Minerals / Metallurgy

Geology / Minerals / Metallurgy


Extraordinary Earths: Ball Clay, China Clay, Soapstone & China Stone from Cornwall, Devon & Dorset 1700-1914
Ronald Perry & Charles Thurlow, SB, 320pp
[USED] An Introduction to British Limestone Karst Environments
John Gunn, PB, 40pp, British Cave Research Association, 1994.
[USED] An Introduction To Metalliferous Mining
S. Higham, HB, 337pp, Charles Griffin & Co. Ltd, first published 1951.
[USED] Ancient Mining
Robert Shepherd, Hb. 494pp, with 10 tables and 72 illustrations in b/w Published for the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy,by Elsevier Applied Science 1993
[USED] Copper - the anatomy of an industry
Sir Ronald Prain, HB, 298pp, Mining Journal Books Limited 1975.
[USED] Dover Coal Boring - Observations on the correlation of the Franco Belgian, Dover and Somerset Coalfields, discovery of Coal at Dover, Coal Boring at Shakespeare Cliff
Francis Brady, wityh reports from Victor Watteyne, James Murtree, M R Zeiller, HB, 41pp, Several Maps and sections, Published 1892 (good condition this is an original not a reprint)
[USED] Future of Non-Ferrous Mining in Great Britain and Ireland
Hardback, 614 pages, proceedings of a symposium arranged by The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy in collaboration with the United Kingdom Metal Mining Association, held on 23rd and 24th September, 1958, at the Federation of British Industries, 21 Tothill Street, London, S.W.1, published 1959 by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.
[USED] Mineralogia Cornubiensis 178
William Pryce, HB, 331pp, Bradford Barton, 1972
[USED] Miners and Mining in the Americas
W W Culver, T C Greaves, HB, 358pp, Subjects: Mineral industries - North America. Mineral industries - South America, Publisher: Manchester University Press, 1985
[USED] Ore Petrology
R.L. Stanton, HB, 713pp, McGraw-Hill Book Company (1972)
[USED] Outlines of Structural Geology
E. Sherbon Hills, hardback, 182 pages, Methuen & Co. Ltd., Third Edition, reprinted 1965.
[USED] Petrology for Students
Alfred Harker, HB, 334pp, Cambridge: At the University Press (1897)