Industrial Archaeology Buildings & Sites

Buildings & Sites

Buildings & Sites


A Pictorial Record Royal Naval Cordite Factory Holton Heath
Malcolm Bowditch & Les Hayward, Hb with dust jacket, 244 pps, 250mm x 250mm
Fuelling the Wars PLUTO and the Secret Pipeline Network 1936-2015
Tim Whittle, Hb with dust jacket, 270 pps, 250mm x 250mm
[USED] A Curious Place- The Industrial History of Amlwch (1550 - 1950)
Bryan D Hope HB 176pp
[USED] Maisons creusees, maisons enterrees: Decouvrir, restaurer, realiser un habitat troglodytique (Collection AnArchitecture) (French Edition)
Nicole Charneau & Jean-Charles Trebbi, PB, 215pp, Editions Alternatives, 1981.
[USED] Roman Quarrying and Stone Supply on the Periphery - Southern England: A geological study of first-century funerary monuments and monumental architecture. BAR British Series 500
Kevin M J Hayward, A4,Sb, 190pp, Includes a CD, British Archaelogical Reports 2009
[USED] Stora Kopparberg 1000 years of Industrial Activity - Falun Mine
Sven Rydberg, Peter Gullers, Hb, 93pp Colour Photographs
[USED] Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags Arktiebolag, An Historical Survey + Falun Mine and "Stora Kopparberget!
2 x Guide books, Sb, 16 pp, +, Sb, 47pp, 1947.