Paul Sowan books Paul Sowan - Archaeology / Early Mining / Prehistoric

Paul Sowan - Archaeology / Early Mining / Prehistoric

Paul Sowan - Archaeology / Early Mining / Prehistoric


[USED] Ancient Mining
Robert Shepherd, Hb. 494pp, with 10 tables and 72 illustrations in b/w Published for the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy,by Elsevier Applied Science 1993
[USED] Grimes Graves
Green, Barbara, Soft back, 16 pages, English Heritage, 1990.
[USED] Mining in a Medieval Landscape - The Royal Silver Mines of the Tamar Valley
Stephan Rippon, Peter Claughton and Chris Smart, Sb, A5, 208pp, University of Exeter Press
[USED] Prehistoric Flint Mines
Robin Holgate, A5,Sb, 56pp Shire Archaeology 1991
[USED] Prehistoric mining and allied industries
Shepherd R, Academic Press, 1980, HB, 272pp
[USED] Roman Quarrying and Stone Supply on the Periphery - Southern England: A geological study of first-century funerary monuments and monumental architecture. BAR British Series 500
Kevin M J Hayward, A4,Sb, 190pp, Includes a CD, British Archaelogical Reports 2009
[Used] Stone Quarry Landscapes The Industrial Archaeology of Quarrying
Peter Stanier Sb, 160pp Tempus 2000