[USED] The Bexley Deneholes
R F Le Gear, paperback, 35 pages, Bexley Libraries & Museums, 1992.
[USED] Reprinted Glossaries - Series B Derbyshire Lead Mining Terms, words used in the isle of Thanet, words used in Herefordshire, early Scottish Glossary
Rev. W.W. Skeat, hardback, 92 pages, Trübner & Co., 1881.
[USED] Oare Gunpowder Works,, Faversham kent
About Faversham No 39, A4 ,Sb, stapled, 33pp, 1984
[USED] Geology of the country around Leighton Buzzard
Shephard - Thorn, Moorlock, Cox, Allsop, Wood. AB, 128pp, BGS 1994
Surrey's Ancient Stone Mines 2nd Edition
Peter Burgess Sb, A4, 158 pages, 97 colour and B+W photos, diagrams and maps. 2nd Edition
[USED] Dover Coal Boring - Observations on the correlation of the Franco Belgian, Dover and Somerset Coalfields, discovery of Coal at Dover, Coal Boring at Shakespeare Cliff
Francis Brady, wityh reports from Victor Watteyne, James Murtree, M R Zeiller, HB, 41pp, Several Maps and sections, Published 1892 (good condition this is an original not a reprint)