A Complete Guide to the Engine Houses of Mid Cornwall

A Complete Guide to the Engine Houses of Mid Cornwall
SKU SKU153121
Weight 0.56 kg


Damian Nance, Kenneth Brown and Tony Clarke , SB, 172pp. 210mm x2 10mm. Printed in full colour throughout on gloss art paper, perfect bound with laminated card covers.

The booked arrived this morning and compliments the previous title Egine Houses of West Cornwall. There is the additional Author Tony Clarke as sadly Ken Brown is no longer with us.. The Modern Colour pictures are shown against earlier Black and White Photos taken in the 1960's and some later colour shots taken in the 1990's. In that time there has been significant change and it goes to show how fast some of our mining heritage is being eroded away.
Each Mine is defined on a map at the start of each chapter, the mines are spotted in green and numbered . As you work your way through each chapter each Engine Houses and the Mine to which it worked are titled and more significantly each has a grid reference. As a result you don't have to work out where the site is on a map its done for you. The authors describe the site and what remains of the Engine Houses , Chimneys and significant buildings.
At first I thought this might be another picture book, but it isn't the book provides lots of information about each site and provides a useful guide for anyone wishing to follow their way around Cornwall. It allows you to do your own exploration and helps you understand the workings of each site. I Understand a third book will be published to complete the series. An excellent publication for your bookshelves and might just the the right Christmas present if anyone wants a hint!
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